Brandon Q Morris

 Brandon Q Morris 's Books

A very well recieved series by Brandon Q Morris are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Ice Moon 1 The Enceladus Mission, The Hole, Impact, Mars Nation 2, The Titan Probe, The Death of the Universe: Rebirth: Hard Science Fiction (Big Rip Book 3), The Triton Disaster: Hard Science Fiction, The Beacon: Hard Science Fiction, Proxima Dreaming, The Triton Disaster: Hard Science Fiction (Solar System Series Book 4), Proxima Trilogy: Part 1-3: Hard Science Fiction, Mars Nation 1, The Wall: Eternal Day, The Io Encounter: Hard Science Fiction (Ice Moon Book 3), Ice Moon 4 Return to Enceladus, The Death of the Universe: Hard Science Fiction (Big Rip Book 1), The Rift: Hard Science Fiction, Proxima Rising, The Dark Spring: Hard Science Fiction, The Enceladus Mission: Hard Science Fiction, Ice Moon 2 The Io Encounter, Mars Nation: The Complete Trilogy, Silent Sun: Hard Science Fiction, Mars Nation 3, The Death of the Universe: Ghost Kingdom: Hard Science Fiction (Big Rip Book 2), which was published in 2022.